Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Joys of mornings...

Thanking God I survived another day and thanking him most for a new day,new challenges,new perspectives. My usual morning starts with eating breakfast with hubby and watching television.

Can you guess what I was watching?... hee hee hee!

It is so fun to bring back your childhood routines, though I miss watching "Batibot" and "Sesame Street" I still sometimes do not forget to watch kids shows every morning and indulge with a grab of these awesome dessert.. yummmyyy!!

Believe me, I just ate two pieces of these.

Oh! I nearly forgot, another joys of mornings to live with and perhaps better to let it be something to stock in your mind for the rest of your days... an email I received just the other night saying:

"All things in life are temporary. If going well,enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong don't worry they will not last long either."

have a hot pink day!!!

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