Yay! we are exactly 29 weeks and 4 days today, more or less 11 weeks to go and I will meet this little tenant inside Hotel Mama...finally!. I am anxiously anticipating for that moment to come. They say when a new baby is born, new parents are born too and few weeks from now a new hot mama is about to be a member of the "New Mama's Guild".. I am soooo excited.
But yesterday worries seemed to tear down the thread of excitement after I experienced the what they called "Braxton Hicks Contractions". It wasn't painful though, no back pains nor abdominal cramping just the feeling of tightness in my stomach that last for almost a day but that went on irregularly. It goes away whenever I tried to lay on my left side or drink lots of water. It scared me really specially when a friend of mine told me that I should hurry my self to the DR because it could be a sign of an early labor. Oh my God! I was perplexed, my heart started to beat faster, and I started to become too much worried that I did not eat my lunch after hearing that information. It could not happen that I was having pre- term labor. Good thing breathing in and out exercise helps a lot to calm me down and thought of a positive way to ease the contractions.
I prayed harder....
At 10 pm as I went to bed, contractions stopped. I talked to my little tenant by heart, and tried to asked him to kick if he pleases just to let me feel if he is okay inside... a few seconds I felt him kicking, feeling him that way is unexplainable. It feels like my little tenant was telling me that I should not worry too much and everything will be fine.
Today is my appointment to the DR. Albeit, I am still worried a little but I should inform her about what happened yesterday. I have high hopes that everything is okay and it was just a part of the joys of pregnancy.
"Pray,hope and don't worry... worry is just a waste of time."- St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Italya
... needless to say, these five words always give me goose bumps but then it gives a great calm inside.
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