Friday, April 15, 2011

What I love, he loves it too

We are in our... (Drum rolling) 30th week along in our journey together as a life time partner-to-be. Yay! 10 weeks more and we will see each other.

and look how big my belly has gotten for the past 30 weeks and how I gained sooo much weight... a Super  Sized-me... one of the "Eeew" factors of pregnancy..

Little everyday my little tenant become more communicative. He is awake every 1:00 am and kicking all throughout until 3:00 am randomly. He loves what I love and how am I sure about it?.. well, it's mothers' instinct I guess...believe me it never fails. Here are the list of what we both love doing slash or should I mention... eating?

  • Cupcakes
  • Scrambled eggs in the morning
  • Grapes
  • Mangoes... 6 kilos of riped mangoes
  • Watermelon
  • Kiwi
  • Singing 
  • Shakes, smoothies
  • Cold water.. Ice cold
  • Sleeping
  • Brownies
  • Chocolates.. yummy!
  • and a breathe of fresh air
  • we love eggs...too
  • Milo
  • Chicken.
  • Jollibee Spaghetti
  • Bananas
  • Yakult every morning
  • Yogurt
  • A.D.O.B.O... ADOBO!!!
  • Tahooooo
  • and..the voice of his father
Eating is always a big part or our everyday life... and that's what we do everyday.. hee hee hee!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Prettier than Pink

Color "Pink" is in trend and I am not just in to it. I am loving it. Yay!

 And since it's 12 midnight already and while waiting for hubby to come home, add up the boredom of being home alone, I grabbed the camera and happily took a picture of my pink treasures....

...have fun with me... yipee!!

Tadaaaan!! a very cute "Pink Bunny Bank"... I think she is lonely because of starvation.. hee hee hee! I always forget to feed her 5 to 10 peso coins everyday...slash sob.

You want it... then get it. A pair of Pink Hand Sanitizer and a strawberry like scent Body Spray... These were bought from "Bench" in a very affordable price. I love the  fruity smell of these pair, it creates a sense of  happiness in every spray (for the body spray) and the sanitizer smells really sweet, the scent stays on your hands a little longer after using it. It does not leave a sticky feeling, just enough to give your hands a clean and sweet scent... uhmmm love it!

Just received these cutie pink pouch and I soooo love it...It's a "kikay kit" that contains a 50ml hand sanitizer, fruity scent hand moisturiser, a "Sunset" colored lipstick and "Tropical" tinted lip balm.. good to have it this summer day... and it's.... PINK!

Who says that pregnancy prevents you from wearing good looking clothes because of your bumps?.. hell no!... Pregnancy I think is one the best times for a woman to show her unique style in fashion without compromising comfortability,quality and the budget of course. This very cute Maternity Cloth from "Mother Care" is so comfortable to wear.. I love the color, design and the quality though this is not a pure cotton kind of fabric but this is something that can absorb sweat when the heat strikes...(thanks raging hormones).

and oh!....

....don't forget the "Pink Shoes"...

... the "Pink Ballpens" to put inside the....

..."Pink Big Purse"... awesome!

Happiness is not hard to find.. it's everywhere....

have a happy Hot Pink Day!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunset: My little tenant inside Hotel Mama

Sunset: My little tenant inside Hotel Mama

My little tenant inside Hotel Mama

Yay! we are exactly 29 weeks and 4 days today, more or less 11 weeks to go and I will meet this little tenant inside Hotel Mama...finally!. I am anxiously anticipating for that moment to come. They say when a new baby is born, new parents are born too and few weeks from now a new hot mama is about to be a member of the "New Mama's Guild".. I am soooo excited.

But yesterday worries seemed to tear down the thread of excitement after I experienced the what they called "Braxton Hicks Contractions". It wasn't painful though, no back pains nor abdominal cramping just the feeling of tightness in my stomach that last for almost a day but that went on irregularly. It goes away whenever I tried to lay on my left side or drink lots of water. It scared me really specially when a friend of mine told me that I should hurry my self to the DR because it could be a sign of an early labor. Oh my God! I was perplexed, my heart started to beat faster, and I started to become too much worried that I did not eat my lunch after hearing that information. It could not happen that I was having pre- term labor. Good thing breathing in and out exercise helps a lot to calm me down and thought of a positive way to ease the contractions.

I prayed harder....

At 10 pm as I went to bed, contractions stopped. I talked to my little tenant by heart, and tried to asked him to kick if he pleases just to let me feel if he is okay inside... a few seconds I felt him kicking, feeling him that way is unexplainable. It feels like my little tenant was telling me that I should not worry too much and everything will be fine.

Today is my appointment to the DR. Albeit, I am still worried a little but I should inform her about what happened yesterday. I have high hopes that everything is okay and it was just a part of the joys of pregnancy.

"Pray,hope and don't worry... worry is just a waste of time."- St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Italya

... needless to say, these five words always give me goose bumps but then it gives a great calm inside.